The Weird Stuff God Made People Do Season Bundle đź«Ź


Buckle up for the Wizard of Oz of Bible stories. This six-episode season highlights some stranger things from the Bible. Knox and Jamie will walk through the stories, and Resident Bible Scholar Erin Moon provides her trademark Gentle Rebukes. 

Just like Disney has its vault, we have our treasure hidden away in a field. This episode bundle contains our entire Weird Things God Made People Do season that has been archived from our main feed. You can access all six of these ad-free episodes with a membership to the Doctoral Tier at The Faith Adjacent Seminary. However, this is for those of you who don’t want another subscription. We get it. So, we give you the option of buying these episodes as a bundle here! 

NOTE: These episodes are from the Old Testament days of the podcast formerly known as The Bible Binge, so you’ll hear some dated references and call-to-actions. We love nostalgia, so we kept them in there, but don’t feel called-to-action from the calls-to-action. The same is true for the Episode Guide PDFs. The content is top-notch (we think), so we included it in this bundle. As a general rule, anytime you see “The Bible Binge Seminary,” just assume the information is no longer relevant. 

Bundle Includes:

  • Episode 1: Balaam's Donkey (54:28)

  • Episode 2: Abraham and Isaac (49:23)

  • Episode 3: Mary of Bethany (42:54) 

  • Episode 4: Ananias and Sapphira (48:36)

  • Episode 5: Jacob Wrestles God (39:59)

  • Episode 6: Elizabeth and Zechariah (52:51)

  • Bible Scholar Deep Dive PDFs for Each Episode